Sunday, September 9, 2007

mini cakes



Mummyji went on a shopping spree at vivo with the babes on Friday. We'd bought each of us something fashionable from Zara, ("a girl has to have fashionable stuff to wear, u know"... so proclaims the first-born, S), a pair of Converse each for the babes, gone on a sugar high at Candy Empire,wolfed down yummy Phish Food and Chocolate chip cookie dough at B &J's... then we walked into Giant to see if we could find S a replacement water bottle.. needless to say, we didn't, the babes are such snobs, but Mummyji found two 12-mini cup muffin trays and a long row of pretty green daisy papercases. And so it was the very next day, Mummyji baked these mini cakes.
The recipe which Mummyji improvised from chocolate brownies yielded 48 mini cakes, plus 4 regular-sized muffins.
1 1/3 cup flour, organic unbleached
1 tsp baking soda
100g butter, unsalted
3/4 cup molasses sugar, organic
2 eggs
100g dark chocolate, 74% cocoa
a dollop of greek yogurt
a pinch of salt

Preheat oven at 175degC.

Melt the chopped choc and butter in the microwave at high for 1 min, mix in the sugar till well blended. Mix in the eggs, then sift in the flour n baking soda, with a pinch of salt. The dough looked kind of dry and mummyji dropped in a dollop of yogurt (about 2 tablespoonfuls) in between adding in the flour.

Meanwhile S had helped mummyji lined the 2 trays with the mini papercases.
A tsp of dough was carefully dropped into each case, and the trays were baked for around 10 minutes.
The first batch was allowed to cool for a tiny while before mummyji lifted the cups out with the aid of a tiny fork, and quickly lined the trays again for Batch 2.

After the 2 batches had cooled considerably, Mummyji melted some white chocolate (about a 100g or so) with 50g butter.
White chocolate needs more care to melt, and quite a bit of stirring to get an even blend. A dollop was delicately smeared on the top of each little cupcake and with the back of the teaspoon, gently pressed then pulled up in the centre, so as to get a tiny peak.
The babes helped to drop the coloured sprinkles on the white choc tops before the choc cooled and hardened.
and voila!
This is going into Mummyji's repetoire of Hari Raya goodies-to-bake! Mummyji's gonna be doing more "research" and experiments for Raya... stay tuned!

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